

Dave Macdonald Dip TP MRTPI

A native Highlander, now based on Orkney, Dave graduated in Town and Country Planning from Glasgow School of Art in 1977.

12 years working in local authority Planning departments within Highland and Aberdeen City was followed by a combination of private Planning consultancy and other business interests. Latterly, he served as amember of the Royal Burgh of Tain Community Council for 14 years, 7 as Chairman. The cumulative eperience has afforded a unique perspective of the development issues facing individuals, their families and the business community in the face of an increasingly challenging and, at times, dysfunctional Planning system.

Highland Planning was established to serve the Scottish mainland. Greystone Planning concentrates on the Northern Isles.


Highland Planning has been involved with developments across Scotland from single houses in the countryside to multi-million £ anaerobic digester plants, with an excellent success rate. Projects have been taken from concept  to build through the  planning application or appeal processes. Formal contributions have been made to Government Planning Reviews, most recently providing oral evidence to the 2016 Planning REview Panel chaired by Crawford Beveridge.


Advice on Planning Law and Procedure

Submission of Pre-Application, PIP, Full and MSC planning applications

Development Plan representation

Applications for Review to local authority Planning Review Bodies

Appeals against refusal to DPEA (Planning Committee decisions)

Project Management : appointment and liaison with external consultants

Site finding


You may be starting out on a project or have run into difficulties with a planning application already under determination. You may have land and ideas but are uncertain how to kick-start your project. You may be a major player looking for the benefit of local knowledge and input. You may simply have found yourself overwhelmed by Planning policy, guidance and procedures.

Whatever your situation, Highland Planning can work with you to achieve optimum results.


Planning application refusals can arrive out of the blue and sometimes defy logic. Whilst reasons for refusal may appear serious and robust, many boil down to policy interpretation and are very much open to re-evaulation on Appeal or Review.

HIghland Planning has an excellent success rate in overturning decisions. 


HIghland Planning offers a variety of solutions to suit the individual and the project. All fees are tailored to the specific task as few cases are the same. It is invariably the case with Planning consents, potential gains from land value escalation far exceeds costs.

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